Saturday, April 9, 2016

Language development at 10 months

At 10 months old Arden is really starting to speak more. Currently she can say: Mama, Dad, brothers, dog, go, bye, good girl and yay. 

One of her favorite things to do is call for her brothers, especially when she first wakes up. We'll hear a loud "Brothers! Brothers!", and then when they come running she has a huge grin.

She uses Little Reader once or twice a day, and although she is not saying most of the words, I know the exposure to so many object names and concepts is incredibly important.


  1. Are you using flashcards and the doman method?

    1. We are using several methods concurrently. We follow the Doman physical program pretty closely. For the flash cards we use a Little Reader to do a Doman style flashcard presentation. We also use handmade flashcards, Your Baby Can Read and Preschool Prep videos.
